My thoughts and opinion: Inkheart, you could say, was the first book that I read that wasn't for school. Gotta thank my fifth grade teacher. I just saw this on a bookcase and thought it looked interesting. I mean, look at that picture. FAIRIES! So cool and pretty in my fifth grade eyes back then. And if it wasn't for him letting me borrow it, I don't think I would have liked reading at all.
Anyway, Inkheart is a good read for anyone at any age and it's filled with fantasies and (YES, FAIRIES!). What I wouldn't give for Mo's talent! After reading this book, I seriously tried to read it aloud, expecting some creature to pop out of the pages. (All I got was a sore throat. Lesson learned.) I didn't really like Elinor; she must have had a ton of friends. (Insert sarcasm here.) She's rich, okay. But she's also bitter and cold. It was amusing to discover her choice of words when she gets angry though! I also didn't trust Dustfinger in the beginning of the book. However, he does grow on me in the second and third book. I can't think of anyone else who would be a better sidekick for Dustfinger than Farid. I was glad that he found something enjoyable in the strange, foreign world he landed in. MEGGIE WAS MY FAVORITE CHARACTER. I loved how she had a book box. Exactly what I had back then. (It's lost somewhere now.) And how she described books; in a strange place, as long as you have your favorite book, it's alright. Nothing is scary. Your nerves settle down as you read the first paragraph in your favorite book.
Oh, hello there unused book blog. One day your owner will return, but until then allow me to drop an occasional remark on her comeback.